Serbia: Travel & Tourism Development Potential 2011-2023
In 2011, Travel & Tourism directly contributed 1.8% of Serbia’s GDP and accounted for 32,100 jobs directly in Travel & Tourism, representing 2.4 per cent of total employment. Taking the wider impacts of the industry into account, Travel & Tourism contributed 5.4% of GDP and 80,100 jobs in 2011 (6% of total employment). Furthermore, over the next ten years and with the right policies in place, Travel & Tourism in Serbia is forecast to achieve growth of 4.8% per annum, in terms of its contribution to GDP compared to 4.5% per annum growth in Travel & Tourism in Eastern Europe and 4.3% in the world as a whole. This would take the total contribution of Travel & Tourism in Serbia to GDP to 6.8% of the economy in 2023.